Sunday, September 21, 2008

Applications File System

Applications File System

File structure (Forms, Reports and Java pages):

The APPL Directory

Oracle Applications files are stored in the APPL directory, which is known as the APPL_TOP directory.

The APPL_TOP directory contains:
1. The core technology files and directories.
2. The product files and directories (for all products ie GL, AP,AR…..).
3. The main applications environment file, called .env on UNIX, and .cmdon Windows.

The java Directory
Oracle Applications JAR files are installed in JAVA_TOP directory. The java directory also holds third-party Java files used by Oracle Applications, as well as other zip files.

Concurrent manager Log and view output files are located under $APPLCSF_TOP/log or out

Custom Application

Custom Application should go under CUSTOM_TOP
For ex. Forms should go under $CUSTOM_TOP/forms/US
Reports should go under $CUSTOM_TOP/reports/US

Oracle Schema Structure

APPS Schema

The APPS schema has access to the complete Oracle E-Business Suite data model. It is analogous to the SYSTEM schema, which has access to the entire database.

The following objects are installed in the APPS schema:
• Packages
• Procedures
• Functions
• Triggers
• Views
• Materialized views

The following objects are installed in the base product schemas:
• Tables
• Sequences
• Indexes
• Constraints
In addition, there are grants from the tables and sequences to the APPS schema, as well as synonyms from the APPS schema to those objects.

Custom Schema
All data objects for custom applications should reside in the custom schema for that application,this includes all custom tables, indexes, sequences and also need public synonym and should grant access to APPS schema.

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